I was working on another job at New Zealand based studio Motionjelly that finished a couple days earlier than expected, so we decided to do some RnD for a ficticious beauty brand. Building a product shot set in a lush jungle setting.
It was quite fun to put this little scene together, but I think the Quixel/C4D pipeline is a bit convoluted in places. Luckily the Quixel to Houdini importer has an Atlas converter built in, it splits all the individual islands of an atlas into separate geometry, which you can then export as alembic and bring back into C4D (the moss on the rocks is made from 50+ individual single sided moss planes, packed into a bundle of moss with a couple bend and twist deformers, which is then cloned over the rocks with Matrix objects)
Rigging up all the larger plants was actually fairly fast (it still took a couple hours because there are a lot of plants), which meant I only needed to put a Vibrate Tags on all the bones to get some extra motion on the plants.